The type of communication and level of detail depends on the goal, for example, the layout above shows a concept board. Presenting a possible solution to a client is why it is clean and presentable. However, other examples may be more orientated for colleagues and can afford to be less aesthetic whilst carrying the point across.  The examples below have been taken at various points of the development process. 
Ideation sketches
Ideation sketches are produced to convey the thought process of the design, there are intentionally quick and expressive sketches.

The sketches on the left are taken at different stages of the ideation phase, the top left is at the start where producing volume is key. The top right has started narrowing down ideas and exploring potential avenues, whilst the bottom right is when 3 directions have been chosen and proportions are being adjusted. 
The sketch to the right is at the stage before presenting the concepts to clients, as all the features have been mapped out and at this point, several models have been produced to test the ergonomics.
Concept pages

Pages summarising the concepts to the client should be clear, concise yet appealing as they engage the client. 

Concepts are often intentionally 3 separate directions, providing the client with adequate options. On the pages, the features and interactions are shown. The human hands, subtly show the scale of the product whilst the views at the side show the product views.
Developmental sketches

Produced when a client has selected a concept and development of that concept is underway. 

These are more orientated for personal use or to convey an idea to a colleague. They help put thoughts to the page and record them. Here you see the investigation into the wiring and button configuration, different TPE textures, and where the internals will be located. 
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